Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Seascapes/sunset in Torbay

The pictures below are pictures that i have captured around torbay, they were all taken on the same day which was a lovely clear sunny day at the start of spring.

This one is my favourite as not only does it show the interest of a boat it also shows the torbay landscape in the distance and the reflection in the water makes it look like a different country.

The photographs below are a series of sunset photographs that i took in torbay. They look in my opinion quite proffessional as they involve a large landscape.

I like this photograph as it is peering through a crack in the rock to see the sunset in the background.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Spring has arrived!

This photograph i wanted to give it a real rural feel. I walked to the local allotments to try and capture a detailed picture. This picture does have an agricultural feel to it as it contains green houses and different plant patches. I like this photo as it has a lot of interest from the detail of the allotment.
This photo is a nice spring sunset photograph, this is a similar picture to the work of Deborah Brown as she has simlar sunset photographs to this one. I like the fact that i caputred the signpost in this too which gives it potential as its shadowed darkness in the photo and you can just see the arrows of it. The sun is falling just behind the hills which has made a lot of the ground darkness. I like the light and dark effect that the sun has created.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

February 2010

The following photos show a typical rural devonian landscape. All the photos were created from my own ideas and will, i had no particular inspirations to do these i just did them as i was driving one day.

This photo is unique, it shows what the movement of the camera can do to a photo. My friend was driving along and i took this picture of the trees and surrounding hills, ass we were moving it made the trees look wider which gives the photo an unusual effect.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Late winter sunset.

This picture i took by my local rugby club in Newton Abbot. I tried creating a photo similar to Jen Bryants sunset picture on Dartmoor. I like this photo because of the pinkness of the cloud makes it a magnificent sunset photograph. The urbanised landscape also blends in too its scenery.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Winter wonderland :)

i like this photo as it shows the lake iced over but it shows non frozen water leading up to the ice.
It has many light and dark contrasts which give the photo interest. I took this picture at a fishing lake near by where i live.
This photo i took from the same location as above however the angle i took it from is a lot lower. This ground shot is unique because it is taken from the same level as the bank so you get a different persepective of the lake.

This photo is particuarlly interesting, it shows a frozen lake. As you can see there are 3 layers of ice and colour on the lake , each showing each stage of the lake being frozen. It gives the sense that time is caught in the picture: from the moment the lake began to freeze up untill the thick soli ice that has built up in the middle. The white snow that has settled on the center of the lake particuarlly highlights the silhoutte of the surounding trees which adds composition to the photo- This is also highlighted by the bland white sky in the backround which almost acts as a back drop for the photo.

This photo is one of my favourites, i took this on my way up to Haytor. The snowy trees contrast with the dark shiny road. This photo has an very wintery look to it.

For this photo i walked to the most rural area of my town to get a detailed wintery picture. The photo shows a pathway covered in snow. This photo would look good for the december month in a calendar. I like this picture as it has the mystery you would have to ask yourself of where is it?

I took this picture stood on a ledge at the end of a quiet lane on Dartmoor. I like the effect of the reflections on the road from where the snow has been which in the photo is now ice. The different colours in the sky give a wintery effect.

I took this photo in black and white because i wanted to give it an older approach. I like the different shades of grey that the photo contains, in the sky and on the ground. 

Monday, 21 December 2009

December 2009

This photo shows the surrounding towns and villages from where i live. I took this photo in a back lane very close to the town where i live. It shows the potential of Devon rural landscapes. The picture is taken close to the bush on the side of the road this has a detailed effect as the sun is shining on the bush.

I took this photo using a tripod. i set the tripod up so the camera was pointing just above the field gate, then move the camera round to get the most of the view in the photo. Using a tripod gave me a better picture as i got every detail in the photo that i wanted.

This photo is very urbanised, i took it from the top of a multi-story car park in Newton Abbot; a large town situated close to the one where i live. The photo shows the surrounding buildings and is very clear. The sun setting in the back round also adds interest to this picture.

This photo i took from the other side of the car park. it shows another floor of the car park and houses on the hill surrounding it. I like the idea of light and dark shades from the sky being light and the buildings being dark.

Wintery Dartmoor:

This photo i took during the wintery season on Dartmoor. The picture shows the surroundings that are covered in a blanket of snow. The sky is shown very clearly in the picture as a crystal blue colour and the sun is shining very rapidly. I Like this picture as there are no particular objects shown in it, it shows how rural and isolated the place is.

This picture shows a very cold horizon. With the sun just set you can see the detail of the shadowed surroundings and the icy road. I took this picture from inside my car. (too cold to get out!)

Friday, 30 October 2009

October Half term

In this post it consists of photographs that i have taken on my october half term, the pictures are landscapes of Devon.

This photo i took from a spot i found up Haldon, it shows a good view of the lights from the small town shown. You can see the moon clearly aswell. The mixture of lights in the darkness attract te eye to the lights.

This picture i took looking down from the top of 'The Ness' cliff face. The different shades of colour of the sea give this picture more interest and also give a light/dark look to the picture.
I put this photo on as in the background it shows the coast of the Devon. There is a dark outline of the coast line on the horizon of this photo which adds detail to the picture.

This picture is a very urbanised area of Devon, i took this picture in the city of Plymouth, it shows the compact landscape of an urbanised area. I look this picture as it has a lot of detail, not only the hundreds of housing but also the hills in the backround.

This picture, taken on the moors, has a very mysterious and blank feel to it. Also the fact that is misty means that you cannot actually tell where the picture was taken as there is no backround.

This picture again taken on The moors, has a very empty look to it. Although i filled the picture up with the landscape by standing at the right distance away from the landscape, because there is no backround to the picture it seems very empty.

In this picture your eye is drawn naturally to the horizon as thats the lighter part of the picture. It shows the cliffs around the edges of Torbay.

This is a photo of a little corner beach in Teignmouth, it looks good as from the bottom to the top it starts off dark and then as you look towards the sky it gets lighter which gives this photograph a winter feel. Also the cliff landscape in the backround adds another colour into the picture.

This photograph i adjusted to be black and white. the light and dark colours attract eyes to it. the light and tall landscape of the rock in the distance gives this picture a bit more edge. This looks interesting as it is just a footpath.

This is a perfect 'Wintery Coastal picture' the sun shining breaking through the clouds gives a really light and dark effect. Showing the curvey coastline and fading off at the end, this picture gives a feel of what the devon coastline is like.

This picture really emphasises the contrast from the size of the dog to the rural landscape. Having this photo in black and white really balances out the contrast of light and dark of the landscape.

This picture shows the different rocks on Houndtor. This landscape is effective as it fills the frame with vibrance. Also having this picture in black and white shows a real ancient view

This Bright photograph shows a magnificent view of the rocks up on Hound Tor. It shows clearly the contrast of light and shade in the picture. The eye is naturally drawn to the sunlight in this picture appearing through the rocks. Also having the rocks on the left hand side shows scale and perspective.

I took this picture to get another view of the rocks on Hound Tor. It has a different perspective as it shows the Moors in the background. The scattered rocks formed from pre historic activity fill the picture with activity.

This picture is filled with colour. I took this at Steps Bridge near Teign Valley. The reflections in the water bring out the vibrance of the different colours. The reflections in the water show great detail of the trees and leaves. The picture is very relaxing to look at.