Monday, 21 December 2009

December 2009

This photo shows the surrounding towns and villages from where i live. I took this photo in a back lane very close to the town where i live. It shows the potential of Devon rural landscapes. The picture is taken close to the bush on the side of the road this has a detailed effect as the sun is shining on the bush.

I took this photo using a tripod. i set the tripod up so the camera was pointing just above the field gate, then move the camera round to get the most of the view in the photo. Using a tripod gave me a better picture as i got every detail in the photo that i wanted.

This photo is very urbanised, i took it from the top of a multi-story car park in Newton Abbot; a large town situated close to the one where i live. The photo shows the surrounding buildings and is very clear. The sun setting in the back round also adds interest to this picture.

This photo i took from the other side of the car park. it shows another floor of the car park and houses on the hill surrounding it. I like the idea of light and dark shades from the sky being light and the buildings being dark.

Wintery Dartmoor:

This photo i took during the wintery season on Dartmoor. The picture shows the surroundings that are covered in a blanket of snow. The sky is shown very clearly in the picture as a crystal blue colour and the sun is shining very rapidly. I Like this picture as there are no particular objects shown in it, it shows how rural and isolated the place is.

This picture shows a very cold horizon. With the sun just set you can see the detail of the shadowed surroundings and the icy road. I took this picture from inside my car. (too cold to get out!)

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