Sunday, 20 September 2009

Devon Landscapes- Steps Bridge- Dunsford

This is a collection of pictures i took at Steps Bridge in a more rural area of devon...

This is the main bridge at Steps Bridge, guiding the road over the rapid river, this picture looks unusual as the trees look as if they are sheltering the bridge. The photo has the idea of light and dark, the darkness in the build up to the bridge then right on the peak of the bridge, that is where the lighter part of the picture is, where the eye is drawn too. The the photo has a lot of detail as the picture is filled with interest. 

This picture worked really well, the sun shining through the tall trees. I had the camera on Auto Mode for this as it could adjust itself to the sunlight. This photograph again has the idea of Light and Shade. The sun is breaking through the trees causing the light effect to the photo. this makes it looks unique.

With this photo i exposed the camera for longer. I adjusted the setting on the camera with a slower shutter speed, this made the water have a froffy effect to it. The moss on the rocks also adds more colour to the photo.
The photographer that inspired me to do this was Tony Howell, if you follow this link you will see his picture in which mine is similar to.

This picture i took at Steps Bridge in a more rural area of devon, the picture shows the B&B amongst the river and green land. It has a lot of potential as it is a well known rural area of Devon.

This picture hows many different contrasts, this is why i like this photo, as it has the bridge which is an old stone design but then contrasts with the water flowing down the river and the green leaves.

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